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Older woman sitting on sofa looking into camera

Another older carer like Joyce is reaching breaking point today.

Help carers like Joyce get the advice and support they urgently need.

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Older carers like Joyce will do everything and anything for their loved ones – but they are at breaking point.

Ignored, alone and forgotten, they urgently need your help. Donate now so Age UK can provide vital support and advice, so they no longer have to struggle alone.

Heart icon 4 million over-60s like Joyce are unpaid carers – and they’re at breaking point.

Joyce and David image 2 500x300.jpgFive years ago, Joyce’s husband David suffered a stroke that left him severely disabled.

Joyce is 75 years old. Every day she wakes David, washes him, takes him to the bathroom and does her best to keep his spirits up. But every day, it gets harder. She’s alone, afraid, ignored – and at breaking point.

“I’m struggling to cope. Older people are really neglected. We’re forgotten about, particularly carers.”

Joyce is terrified about her future. She knows that one day, she’ll no longer be able to care for David. After that, she doesn’t know what will happen to him – or to her.

Age UK provides vital support and advice to older carers like Joyce, as well as campaigning to fix the social care system. Your donation today means she and the millions like her will always have someone to turn to. Your support today will show her someone cares for the carers.


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Last year, we received over 42,000 calls, letters and emails from older carers needing our support.

Your donation could help us be there for older people who urgently need our support.

We’re here for you too

If you or someone you know needs support, Age UK is here for you. Call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 6565, 8am to 7pm, every day of the year, or find information and advice on our website.

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Age UK provides a range of services and your gift will go wherever the need is greatest.

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