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Help us support older people to become financially resilient

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Currently, 2.1 million older people live in poverty and thousands more struggle with money.

Yorkshire Building Society are proud to be supporting Age UK to improve the financial resilience of older people.

Together, we aim to raise £1million to help Age UK improve the financial resilience of older people across the country.

 Through Age UK’s Building Better Lives project, we’ll be providing intensive one to one support to more than 4,700 of the most vulnerable people. So that if the worst should happen – like the death of a partner or diagnosis with a long-term illness – they’re better able to cope financially.

Your support will help strengthen the financial resilience of thousands more older people so they can confidently face times of crisis without worry for the future.

By donating today, you’ll help make sure more older people get the support they need, when they need it most. Thank you.

All donations raised will go to Age UK’s Building Better Lives project.

You are making a gift of £25

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Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (registered charity number 1128267). Registered address: Tavis House, 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 100% of your donation goes to Age UK’s Building Better Lives project.

Please note that if you agree to be contacted by Age UK again when making your donation to this project, we will update you about Age UK's other services and fundraising, as well as the progress of the Building Better Lives project. 

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