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What you can expect from us

  • a courteous and efficient approach
  • respect for the individuality and value of each person with whom we work
  • services that are flexible and try to meet individual choices wherever possible
  • that independence should be promoted as far as possible
  • a commitment to equal opportunities in all the services we provide
  • services which are regularly reviewed and improved within available resources
  • that information about our work with you may need to be recorded and kept on file or a database. All such information will be held as confidential within the organisation and only passed to others with your permission.

Complaints and compliments

We work hard to provide high quality services but sometimes things can go wrong. If they do, we want to hear from you so that we can put them right. If you have a complaint or concern, you should first raise it with the person responsible for the service you receive. If this does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction you should contact our Services Manager or Director. There is also a formal complaints procedure. You can view a full list of our policies here

We also like to hear from you if you are particularly pleased with the service you receive.