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Make Christmas a Little Brighter for an Older Person in Exeter

Published on 30 November 2021 10:11 AM

Christmas is meant to be a time of joy and light. But imagine having nobody to pull a cracker with. No one to exchange a gift and share a hug with. Not a single soul to wish you a Merry Christmas.

For many older people, talking to Age UK Exeter really is their only bright spot during this difficult time of year. Your vital gift today could help make sure that no one has no one this Christmas.

Every donation counts!

  • £10 pays for a month of ‘Careline’ calls to someone living alone.
  • £20 pays for a month of face-to-face visits to someone isolated in the community.
  • £25 pays for a month of support for someone with Dementia and their carer.
  • £40 pays someone to have a home visit to help them ensure they are claiming all the benefits they are entitled to.
  • £50 pays for an isolated older person to attend one of our social groups for six months.
  • £100 pays for 20 people to come together once a week for a month.
  • £240 pays for an isolated older person to be connected with a volunteer visitor for a whole year.

Your donation could help make sure our vital services are there for older people in Exeter in their darkest hours.


Age UK Exeter in 2022

We have so many plans for 2022 but we can’t do it without your support. With your help we could:

  • Open up our Sycamores centre and run groups daily, ranging from exercise to art therapy and music
  • Offer more support for carers while their loved ones are cared for safely
  • Offer transport to people who would struggle to get to our groups.
  • Investigate making our services available in the West of the City again
  • Run I.T classes and adult learning opportunities
  • Develop intergenerational opportunities.
  • Help older people and their families plan for the future.