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Reach for the sky with Age UK Exeter's Enabling & Home Help Service!

Published on 04 September 2018 08:22 AM

Nina's greatest desire was to travel down to see the Red Arrows air show in Sidmouth this year. Not being a very well lady she had no chance of getting there on her own, so she turned to the Age UK Exeter Enabling team to assist. As we already knew Nina, as a client, it was easy for us to put the call out among our fabulous team of paid enablers to see if anyone might be available to escort her down to Sidmouth, on Friday evening in August. Sally R stepped forward and said she would be very happy to help, and so the trip was arranged and Nina and Sally had an exhilarating time watching the aerial acrobatics of the Red Arrows on the seafront at Sidmouth, along with hundreds of others who had turned out.

If you have a dream you would like to realise, or a place you would like to see, and all that stands in the way is a little bit of help to get you there and a friendly face to accompany you, contact the Enabling team at Age UK Exeter, we can probably help.

For more information please see our enabling page.