Falls Prevention
- Location: Age UK Enfield
- Price: Free
The course is free for the first 12 sessions, then £3.00 per session to continue.
Email: referrals@ageukenfield.org.uk
Telephone: 02083 754120
Age UK Enfield’s Fall Stop service is aimed at people who have experienced a fall, or who may be at risk of falling. The service aims to help people maintain independence, and safely remain in their homes for longer.
What Does The Course Consist Of?
We provide exercise sessions over a 12-week period, as well as a range of interventions to improve balance, strengthen muscles and build confidence, including:
• Information and advice on preventing falls
• Advice on managing long-term conditions
• Strength and balance sessions
• Seated exercise sessions
• Referrals to relevant organisations to make home adaptations
Our experienced health and wellbeing navigators will be on hand to offer support and guidance, in a fun and friendly environment.
Who Provides The Service?
Age UK Enfield is commissioned by North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group to support the Falls Prevention pathway and work closely with our clinician partners from Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Trust. St Michael's Falls Prevention Service, North Middlesex University College Hospital and Chase Farm.
Additional Support
Safe and Connected is a 24 hour emergency service run by Enfield Council. This service provides support to anyone 18 and over who may feel vulnerable, have a disability or a long-term health condition so that they can access help day and night enabling them to live safely and independently in their own home.