Alison Carter Albert

Alison Carter Albert has worked in various innovative local authority and VCSE (Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise) management roles in a career spanning 30 years. Her career began with a specialist dementia project which acted as a catalyst into service development and transforming services for older people, particularly people living with dementia. Alison's strong ethos of collaboration has aided her natural transition into roles with community engagement working with all age ranges and abilities and was one of the first Local Area Coordinators in London.
Alison joined Age UK Enfield in 2019 and has led the development of the Prevention Services team, which provides early intervention and preventative services, activities and events for Enfield residents aged 50 and over. Since joining, through successful fundraising she has expanded the team, and increased our community offers to reach more people across the borough.
Alison has led on the founding of Men’s Shed, which provides an opportunity for men over 50, that are underrepresented in other community activities. Developed Social Singing that provides connectivity and creativity for all, especially people living with dementia.
Alison has worked collaboratively to develop the Community Advice Hub at North Middlesex University Trust Hospital, with cross borough partners Connected Communities Haringey, Enfield Carers Centre, Enfield Connections, Engage Riverside and Enfield Council.
Co-created Menopause workshops and the new monthly Menopause Meet Ups with Let’s Talk Enfield (Enfield IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)) and Beaumont Southgate Care Home.
Alison has worked with Chicken Shed Theatre to co-develop the extremely popular Gladrags, which has provided quarterly immersive intergenerational events for older people in the borough of Enfield.