Our Strategic Plan

Our new strategic plan sets out Age UK Enfield's priorities for 2022-2027. You can read it here
Age UK Enfield is the Borough’s leading charity supporting and enhancing the lives of older people. As such, the Charity’s Board and Senior Management Team are consistently reviewing the environment in which we operate.
The world is a very different place today to when our last plan was developed in 2018. There has been a global pandemic, the myriad effects of which are still reverberating today, and there have been significant changes to health and social care and support.
The needs of the older people of Enfield are greater and more complex than at any other time. Despite Enfield’s historic reputation as a leafy outer London Borough, it is now a place with inner London problems but with outer London funding and infrastructure.
We are a forward-looking Charity, constantly evolving to respond to the needs of our clients.
As part of our developing the initial 2022-2025 strategy plan, which we have now revisited and extended to 2027, we consulted widely with clients, staff and volunteers. We listened carefully to their needs, where we felt we should build and where we could continue to improve.
The information gathered has enabled us to outline the six priorities set out in this plan and which remain central to all that we do.
Significant progress has and continues to be made on developing our existing services, processes and ways of working. We are focused on developing our existing services and our operating model. Additionally, we are planning to embark on our next phase of development which will require a move to new premises.
We look forward to working with our local partners, stakeholders and funders in establishing an age-friendly Enfield where everyone can love later life.