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Statement By Age UK Enfield On Properties

Published on 13 September 2024 08:30 AM

“We have been aware for some time of the various issues Enfield Council has been having around their property portfolio and indeed we have experienced first-hand the issues arising from the lack of funds to correctly maintain the properties we currently use.

The Parker Centre is on a list along with the John Jackson library and naturally this is a concern not just for Age UK Enfield but for the thousands of older people we help and support each year.

What has happened is not altogether surprising - but it is disappointing and deeply concerning.  Age UK Enfield has been preparing and actively investigating ways in which to continue delivering the valuable services we provide for some time.   We are in talks with the Council to explore ways forward including looking at suitable alternatives to The Parker Centre - the only day care centre for people with dementia.  Given Enfield has the highest level of dementia in London, it is imperative a solution is found sooner rather than later.

We would like to have a dedicated building from which Age UK Enfield could runs its dementia day care centre as well as our day-to-day operations.  We run a broad range of activities and events across the Borough promoting positive good mental and physical health as well as focusing on and responding to the specific needs of Borough's older people.

We are in discussion with the Council regarding the Rose Taylor Centre but this will take time and significant funding which we will have to raise. We shall be looking for support as plans come together and we are keen to talk to any potential donors or supporters who can help us achieve our vision of an age friendly Enfield where everyone can love later life.

Age UK Enfield is operating all its services and operations as usual and this includes the Parker Centre which is open and operating.   We will keep all our clients, staff and stakeholders informed of any changes as and when details are known.”