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How To Age Successfully

Published on 26 November 2023 09:30 AM

Jazanne Arts shares with us how we can age successfully

Jazanne Art's have been working in partnership with Enfield Age UK  over the last 3 years, providing both regular singing, drama, movement and arts and crafts sessions and events at the Parker day centre and reminiscence, musical shows and workshops for our many social groups.
Jazanne Art's who place older people at the heart of their work, share thoughts on how to age successfully in this joyful and uplifting  film. What  are your top tips? 
For more information please visit
Jazanne Art's team investigate into how to age successfully sharing joy and making connections. With wonderful suggestions from diverse independent older peo...
Comments received so far include:
'Brilliant such an inspiring video. Keep up the great work!'
What an inspirational film, the work you do is life changing.
'Such an inspirational film' 
'Relax and go with the flo' I said yes to that'
Watching the film made me think...
'You are as young as you feel and able to do what you want'
'Age is but a number, a mere reflection of time's passage'
'What truly matters is the wealth of experiences, the lessons learned and the wisdom gained along the journey of life'