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Easter Raffle 2018

Published on 09 March 2018 03:27 PM

This year we are appealing to you to raise continuation funding for our extremely popular Information and advice service. The projects’ aim is to provide advice for many day-to-day problems facing older people and their carers over the age of 50 within the borough of Enfield

So please, if you are able to help us with this project this Easter, we would be most grateful.

So how can you help raise these funds?

By buying a raffle ticket(suggested donation of £2.50 per ticket) with the first prize being a fantastic Easter egg!  There will be several other runner up prizes to be won!  Please phone us on 020 8375 4120 and we will send you a raffle ticket for you to complete  and return this to us using the pre-paid envelope.  This will be drawn on 26 March 2018 and the lucky winner will receive a phone call.

There are also several other ways in which you can support us to raise funds for this project:

Finally, thank you so much for considering supporting us with this important fundraising campaign and I really do hope that you have a lovely Easter!