Enfield Dementia Network
Working together to make Enfield a Dementia Friendly Borough
We are proud to be Dementia Friendly - please read more about your organisation can join
Below are details on becoming a member but before reading, please have a look at Barnet's Art Depot film on how they became a Dementia Friendly venue.
How To Become A Member
If you are interested in joining Enfield Dementia Network please email us or join via this link - https://forms.office.com/e/PDekABw9BM
A member works towards taking action to improve their local environment, workplace and wanting to raise awareness about dementia. We will ask you to sign a pledge and state three actions you would like to do. This could be as simple as undertaking an environmental checklist and taking action, or becoming a dementia friend.
How Often We Meet
Our regular meeting is every six weeks online/in person on Tuesday mornings.
When we are working on specific topics, we also have short Task & Finish meetings through the duration.
During the year we support Dementia Action Week in May and World Alzheimer's Month in September, working collaboratively hosting public events and awareness sessions. These are our busiest times so would ask for your support during these times.
Next Steps
If you would like to take action to make your organisation or local area more dementia friendly, please take a look at the online information resource on Alzheimer's Society website. Its purpose is to help groups, businesses and organisations continue to identify practical actions they can take to be more dementia friendly.
Ways You Can Take Action
You can review your staff policies to create a more dementia-friendly workplace. For example, look at the support you offer to staff who are living with dementia or who are carers, such as emergency and special leave policies.
Undergo a self-guided accessibility audit to understand what small changes can be made to make your environments more accessible,
Not all changes need to be made at once. Make a plan on how you can start creating a more inclusive environment for people affect by dementia.
We've produced a dementia-friendly environment checklist to help you make your space as inclusive as possible.
As well as Alzheimer's Society resources, there are many other fantastic resources to support groups that want to make their community more dementia friendly such as the World Health Organisation's toolkit on Towards A Dementia Inclusive Society and the Age Friendly Cities Framework.
Become a Dementia Friend and help more people to understand dementia, reducing the stigma surrounding the condition and ensuring awareness of dementia is available to everyone.
To find out more about becoming a Dementia Friend, please visit dementiafriends.org.uk
To find out more about Enfield Dementia Network, please visit their website at enfielddementianetwork.co.uk