Horam Day Club

Published on 01 May 2018 07:58 AM
On Friday 27 April the Age UK East Sussex Day Club at Horam welcomed Major General John Moore-Bick, High Sheriff of East Sussex, his wife Mrs Anne Moore-Bick, Reverend Paul Mundy and Stephen Chamberlain from Sussex Community Foundation.
Following the support given by a grant awarded from the Rampion Fund at Sussex Community Foundation the High Sheriff and his group enjoyed meeting the members of the Age UK East Sussex Day Club at Horam and finding out about the difference it made to their lives. Stephen Chamberlain said ‘’Sussex Community Foundation are happy to support Age UK East Sussex and it’s valuable work providing a day away from home for older people in the local community.”
The Age UK East Sussex Day Clubs provide a safe, warm and caring environment where local older people have the opportunity to meet people and form friendships, take part in stimulating activities and day trips and enjoy a freshly cooked meal. The service is person-centred with members regularly consulted on food and activity choice. The staff and volunteers provide a wide range of support and can meet the needs of people with memory loss and the early stages of dementia.
Christine Ketley, Age UK East Sussex Service Manager, explained ”our Day Clubs aim to reduce social isolation, improve older people’s physical health and psychological wellbeing, promote independence and confidence, support people to live in their own homes for as long as they wish and provide respite for carers.”
If you are an older person or a carer looking for an opportunity for you or your loved one to get out and spend a day with friends in a safe and stimulating environment our Day Clubs might be right for you. To find out more about the Age UK East Sussex Day Clubs in Horam, Newhaven and Peacehaven please visit Age UK East Sussex online or call 01273 476704.