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Age UK East Grinstead & District is an independent local charity providing services across the district to help people aged 50+ make the most of their life

Our Vision and Aim

Our vision is to have a society in which everyone can enjoy a long and fulfilled life. We want to improve older people's wellbeing and independence to get the most from later life.

Our aim is to provide services, support and activities across East Grinstead & District to enable people to be resilient throughout the changes and challenges of later life.

Our Mission

To work with and for local older people across our area of benefit to make a real and positive difference to their wellbeing and quality of life.

Our Values

Integrity – We are honest, open and fair.

Professionalism - We will maintain confidentiality and consistency throughout our work.

Communication – We will listen and learn from all our stakeholders - members, staff, volunteers and partners.

Collaboration - We will work with other agencies, both local and regional, in partnership and together as a team to support each other’s work.

Quality – We will strive for excellence in the delivery of our services and activities.