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Loving Later Life in Ealing

Call us on 020 8567 8017 to access our services

Download the latest Age UK Ealing Annual Report

Our 2022-23 Annual Report is now available to download. Including highlights from our 20th anniversary celebrations, as well as information on how we continued to deliver our services post Covid-19.


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Gardening Service Now Available

Our new Gardening Service is now available to older people across Ealing. We can help with; lawn mowing, tidying, trimming hedges, jetwashing and lots more!

Enquire Now

Digital Inclusion Programme Now Open

Our new Digital Inclusion Programme is now up and running at Greenford Community Centre. Register your interest now for these free courses for older people with no or little digital experience.

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Age UK Ealing (Information & Advice Service) and Ealing Advice Service (EAS)

Both services are operating a telephone service and appointments, Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm (no-drop in sessions available at present)

  • Age UK Ealing: 0208 567 8017

  • Ealing Advice Service: 0208 579 8429 (option 1)

Age UK Ealing
Greenford Community Centre
170 Oldfield Lane South
Greenford UB6 9JS

We are currently offering in-person meetings by appointment only, as well as telephone support.

  • Information & Advice: visits by appointment only and telephone support - 020 8567 8017. Available Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm (closed between 1.00pm and 1.30pm)
  • Day Centre: Mondays and Thursdays - 020 8578 2712 Option 1
  • Befriending Service - Telephone Support and Neighbourly Connectors: Monday to Friday - 020 8578 2712 Option 2
  • Volunteering: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - 020 8578 2712 Option 3

Our Services

What we do and how you can help

  • Information & Advice

    We provide information & advice to people aged over 50 who live in Ealing & the people who care for them.


    Contact Us 

  • Buy products

    The Age UK Group offers a wide range of products and services designed with the needs of the over 50s in mind.


    Buy products 

  • Fundraising

    Show your support for Age UK Ealing by getting involved in our fundraising activities.                                                                                                                    

    Get involved 

  • Volunteering

    Age UK Ealing relies on volunteers to help us offer vital services in the local community. Would you like to lend a hand?


    Volunteer with us 

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved or support Age UK Ealing and help us in providing services for the elderly see what opportunities there are for individuals and organisations to volunteer, fundraise or donate.

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Call Age UK Ealing

020 8567 8017 020 8567 8017

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