
Be sure to specify
"Age UK Doncaster"
when making a donation or leaving a legacy to make sure you make a difference to older people in the Doncaster borough.
We rely on your support to help older people in Doncaster. There are many ways you can donate to us.
Here at Age UK Doncaster we are always exceptionally greatful for all donations!
Please find below our advice on how to donate;
One-off donations
Any small donations can be brought into the office as either cash, cheque or direct payment.
Please make sure all cheques are made out to "Age UK Doncaster" to ensure that your donation goes directly to us.
You can also post cheques to us at:
Ten Pound Walk
If you wish to donate online we are able to take donations through Just Giving's Donation service. Simply click the button below and fill out the online form on their website.
Leaving a Legacy in your Will to a charity is simple, and can save you from paying Inheritance Tax.
If you wish to remember Age UK Doncaster in you will, please be sure to specify that you would like your legacy to go to "Age UK Doncaster", registered charity number 1077339. This way you can be sure that the money you leave will be used by us to enrich the lives of older people in your local community.
Pledging a Legacy to our charity can help older people live longer and healthier and maintain independence. We aim to enhance the quality of later life, promoting good health and helping older people to enjoy social interaction.
Like all charities, we rely on fundraising to support our activities. There are many areas of fundraising, but in particular Legacies benefit our charity greatly.
If you are establishing or updating your Will, instruct your solicitor that you would like to pledge a legacy to Age UK Doncaster. Your solicitor may not ask if you have considered leaving a charitable bequest, as they may presume that clients already know what they want to put in their Wills - so you must instruct them at the time. That's all there is to it!
Fundraising for Age UK Doncaster
If you wish to fundraise on behalf of Age UK Doncaster, please contact us. We'd love to hear about your challenge or event and lend a hand any way we can.
You can contact us by phone on 01302 812345 or by Email.
For more information please call us on 01302 812345