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An older lady smiles at the camera

Your news, your stories, your later life

Discover the latest news and views on age and ageing – from analysis of what's hitting the headlines, to the big issues affecting older people.

Love in harmony


Former musician Harry, 96, reminisces about his late wife May, and explains how Age UK has helped him through his loss.

An older Asian woman with glasses talks on the phone, looking concerned

Fighting against digital exclusion


An Age UK supporter tells us about her work in response to being digitally excluded, and how our services have helped.

An older man with silver hair smiles at the camera

Reclaiming retirement


The cost of living crisis turned Peter’s retirement upside down, but Age UK helped him find peace of mind again.

A middle aged man stands behind his grandfather, who sits in a chair. Both smile at the camera

A DJ set with a difference


James tells us about the unique way he raised money for Age UK in honour of his grandad Walter’s 100th birthday.

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Last updated: Sep 28 2023

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