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Information and Advice

  • Location: Age UK Devon
  • Price: Free
Call 0333 241 2340 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Devon - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Devon offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.

Topics we cover:

Our advisers are trained to help you on the following topics.

- Social care - such as finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how it's funded.
- Your income - including free benefits checks, help with applying for benefits and pension advice.
- Your home - information on staying warm at home, home adaptations and how to prevent falls.

Opening times

Our information and advice team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm.

Please note, we are not able to offer drop in advice sessions.

Alternatively, you may wish to call the National Age UK Advice Line (free phone) 0800 055 6112. Lines are open 8am - 7pm, 365 days a year.

For more information about our service, please click on the I&A Statement of Service.

I&A Statement of Service

Read Age UK's free booklets

Age UK produces free information guides and factsheets on a wide range of topics, including home adaptations, dementia, and advice for carers. You can find a complete list of guides and factsheets on the Age UK National website.

Find information online

If you prefer to read information online, the Age UK national website has information and advice on many topics, including how to find a care home, how to avoid scams, and Power of Attorney.

Directory of Support

Follow the link below to find details of organisations in Devon and the UK who could provide useful information to you or an older person you know.

Your Feedback

We are always trying to improve what we do, so we welcome your feedback at any time. To find out how you can provide us with your suggestions, follow the link below to our Comments, Compliments and Complaints page. We look forward to hearing from you.