Our Digital Champions are available to help anyone wanting to build their digitial confidence and learn how to use technology. The session is run by Pavel Kushnirenko our Digitial Outreach Worker.
Every Thursday from 10am - 12noon
At Congregational Church, 98 High Street, Crediton, EX17 3LB
Free to attend (donations welcome)
No booking required, please just turn up!
For more information please contact us on 0333 241 2340 or email info@ageukdevon.org.uk
Whilst this event's activities are aligned with, or contribute the charity's mission, it is not regulated by Age UK Devon and we cannot accept responsibility for any actions taken by its members.
Our Digital Champions are available to help anyone wanting to build their digitial confidence and learn how to use technology. The session is run by Pavel Kushnirenko our Digitial Outreach Worker.
Every Friday from 10am until 12noon
At Cullompton Community Centre, Pye Courner, Cullompton, EX15 1JX
Free to attend (donations welcome)
No booking required, please just turn up!
For more information please contact us on 0333 241 2340 or email info@ageukdevon.org.uk
Whilst this event's activities are aligned with, or contribute the charity's mission, it is not regulated by Age UK Devon and we cannot accept responsibility for any actions taken by its members.
Connect with your mind and body through gentle movements empowering your whole wellbeing. Tai Chi QiGong is for all abilities with a focus on improving strength, flexibility and balance while relaxing the mind and lowering stress. This session is led by Lorraine Rye, our Active in Later Life Co-ordinator.
Every Thursday from 12.30pm until 1.30pm
Please note there will be no session on Thursday 27 March 2025.
At Exe Valley Leisure Centre, Bolham Road, Tiverton, EX16 6SG
£6 per session
For more information please contact us on 0333 241 2340 or email info@ageukdevon.org.uk
Whilst this event's activities are aligned with, or contribute the charity's mission, it is not regulated by Age UK Devon and we cannot accept responsibility for any actions taken by its members.