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Share Your Views With Us.

Published on 28 April 2021 01:17 PM

Have you used, or are you using Adult Social Care services within Devon?

Would you like to share your experiences and help identify difficulties faced by older people when accessing these services?

Can you help us look at the best ways of engaging with older people?

We would like to hear about your experience of using Adult Social Care services within Devon. Your views will be shared anonymously with Devon County Council to help make improvements and shape decisions about current and future provision.

The coronavirus pandemic has been unprecedented and life changing; protective measures such as social distancing, face coverings and regular hand washing are likely to remain in place for some time. The pandemic has forced services to be delivered differently to keep everyone safe, but we are keen to understand whether some changes in service delivery have been beneficial and should remain in place.

As meeting in person remains difficult, we will use telephone, email, and video chats to hear from you initially. In the future we would like to talk to you in person, but this will be developed taking your views into account.

If you would like to share your views with us, please complete and return this questionnaire below by the end of May 2021 and we will contact you with further information.

Adult Social Care Services Engagement Questionnaire