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Mega Bites

Published on 26 February 2019 04:28 PM

Mega Bites comes to Axminster

‘Mega Bites’ offers a unique cooking experience for older men, with interactive cooking sessions. A Chef Instructor is available to guide participants through the recipes and provide nutritional information, whilst a Digital Trainer is on hand to demonstrate how modern gadgets can enhance the cooking experience. At the end of each session participants will enjoy a lunch together that they have prepared themselves.

Trish Warren, Active in Later Life manager at Age UK Devon said, “We are very excited to offer this new and innovative opportunity to men aged 50 and over to learn new skills in a relaxed and social environment. We know that men enjoy socialising and engaging with their peers when there is a skill or activity involved. The Mega Bites project fits the bill perfectly: an interactive cooking and IT session with the added bonus of a tasty and nutritious meal with good company at the end of each session!”

The sessions are being delivered by local charity Age UK Devon, in partnership with HALFF Food Hub, Cosmic and Axminster Town Football Club, where the group will run. Alan West, of Axminster Town FC said "The club is very much at the heart of our community and we are delighted that Age UK Devon & Cosmic have chosen our venue for such an innovative project that will make a huge difference to the lives of participants.”

Hannah Smart of HALFF said, “We are delighted to be working with Age UK Devon and Cosmic on the Mega Bites cooking course and are looking forward to inspiring participants to cook tasty, healthy food.” 

This is a free, 6 week course, starting on Monday 13th March,11.00am until 1pm. Booking is essential as there are only 16 places on offer. Transport can be arranged if you are unable to get to Axminster Town Football Club.

Emma Hupertz of Cosmic explains, “This is a unique experience for men over 50, who will be given the chance to learn about every day technology, and some more specialised gadgets, while they cook. Our Digital Trainers will support the men to use gadgets such as Google Home and iPad Pros to facilitate and enhance their cooking experience. Social Enterprise, Cosmic, will be supporting the event as part of the Positive People project. Positive People is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.”

Contact Emma on 0330 088 3005 or sign up at