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  • Location: Caroline Court Day Centre
  • Price: Costs may vary
Call 01433 620263 for more info

Contact the service for more information

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Derby & Derbyshire - Head Office's catchment area.

Caroline Court Day Centre
Marsh Avenue
Hope Valley
S33 6RX
United Kingdom

The Befriending Service provides social support and companionship to people living in the community who are isolated, vulnerable or lonely, or in the early stages of dementia.

For some people who live alone or are housebound it can be days before they speak to another person. A regular befriending visit gives you an opportunity to have a chat, express worries or concerns, share a joke, or reminisce with someone who is happy to listen and talk.

"Excellent support and service. The volunteer befriender was well matched to my mum which has made a valuable contribution to my mum's life Thank you!” (quote from a family member of one of our users)

What does a befriender do?

A befriender visits or telephones you on a regular basis at mutually convenient times. The frequency is agreed between you both. A home visit often includes a cup of tea and chat. They can reminisce over old photographs, play a board or card game, or just sit and share news and family experiences. Your befriender can be a great link to the outside world and help you access other services.

Some befrienders can take you out, perhaps to a local café or garden centre, or to enjoy a walk in your local area. Every effort is made to try and find the right Befriender for you, to match your interests and availability.
A befriender does not help with personal care or offer counselling or guidance but The Befriending Service can help you access these services if you need them

Why choose befriending?

Befriending can make the difference between just managing and living. The service is flexible and can be used to complement other services such as day services or home care services. Befriending can offer relief to family carers and peace of mind to family living away.
“If it was not for this weekly outing I would never get out. Having this visit to look forward to keeps me going.”

What areas do we cover?

We primarily cover:
• North Derbyshire Dales
• High Peak
• Glossop.
Other areas maybe available - please enquire. Alternatively we can signpost to other befriending schemes or services if we do not cover your area.

What does a befriender cost?

The Befriending Service is run as a social enterprise. The charge covers the cost of volunteers’ expenses, training and running the service. Please enquire for further details”

“I am taking great comfort in the support from my Befriender and I now feel part of the community”

The benefits of befriending

- People experiencing loneliness and isolation develop personal friendships and positive relationship.
- People are able to share worries and concerns and reduce mental distress and anxiety.
- People have fun, social interaction enabling them to maintain social skills and reduce demands on family carers.
- Isolated and vulnerable people receive regular supportive monitoring and developing situations are monitored and appropriate intervention requested.
- Extra support for carers and peace of mind for family members.

Who can refer to the services?

Anyone can – carers, doctors, neighbours, home helps, family etc. As long as the person referred knows and agrees to your referral.