Live Stronger for Longer training

- Location: Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
- Price: Costs may vary
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Derby & Derbyshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Our Live Stronger for Longer team offer a range of training courses to meet different needs
Every Movement Matters (Always)
Next training workshop: TBC
Available to care home and day service staff across Derbyshire.
Gain an understanding of how to facilitate functional movement sessions for older, frailer adults.
Delivered face to face in Horsley Woodhouse Village Hall
Course length: 1 day + possibly some independent learning hours.
Contact: for more information and to request an application form.
YMCA Accredited Qualification in Delivering Chair Based Exercise (Level 2)
Day 1 - 26th Feb. Day 2 - 5th March. Assessment – 19th March
Open to applications. Previous delegates have included: community group leaders, fitness instructors, care home and day service staff.
Delivered face to face, with a significant commitment to independent study required.
The course is blended learning with the equivalent of 2 days home study to complete the worksheets before the first face to face day. Plus 1.5 days theory and practical face to face days and a full assessment day at Horsley Woodhouse Chuch Hall. Please click the link below for all the information on the course.
Leading to a nationally recognised qualification in planning and delivering Chair Based Exercise.
Contact: for more information and to request an application form. Please also send the completed form back to Alison.
Downloadable application form available here: CBE and Otago course application form website version.doc
For full information about this course, please click here:
OTAGO CPD Training
NEXT COURSE IS 6th and 7th NOVEMBER (then 9th and 10th April)
Open to those who have completed the Chair Based Exercise course or an equivalent level 2 fitness qualification and working within Derbyshire on the Strictly No Falling project.
Delivered face to face.
Course length: 2 days at Horsley Woodhouse Church Hall.
CPD training providing knowledge and skills of the Otago exercises.
Contact: for more information and to request an application form. Please also send the completed form back to Alison.
Downloadable application form available here: CBE and Otago course application form website version.doc