First Taste activities
- Location: Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Derby & Derbyshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
29a Market Place
DE75 7EG
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01773 766922
Intergenerational projects; care staff training; providing arts, music and activities in day centres; developing specific resources
New era for First Taste in the Derbyshire Dales
Like the boards of many small charities the Trustees of Darley Dale based First Taste Charity have been facing the challenges of both attracting new hands-on Trustees and securing funding to continue and develop the Charity's work of promoting the stimulative care of frail older people, so many now with dementia, in care /nursing homes and day care centres across Derbyshire as well as ensuring future such work..
Moving to Age UK Derby and Derbsyhire
in 2018 First Taste Trustees worked with the Board of Age UK Derby & Derbyshire to secure a future and legacy for our work and have agreed to integrate First Taste's work into Age art classUK Derby & Derbyshire. This will ensure that First Taste's vital work including: intergenerational projects; care staff training; developing specific resources such as chair based exercise CD's & reminiscence DVD's is protected and hopefully developed, both in care settings as well as being extended to frail older people still living at home.
First Taste held its last Annual General Meeting on Monday 15 October 2018 at the Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale following which the Charity Commission was asked to formally dissolve the Charity as from 31 October 2018. All First Taste's existing funds are being administered by Age UK Derby & Derbyshire but are ring-fenced and can only be used for First Taste's current & forthcoming projects and programmes and to progress this vital work
To identify the particular work that First Taste has undertaken and to retain the First Taste name Age UK Derby & Derbyshire is establishing a specific stream of work to be known as "First Taste". This will include: all the projects and programmes currently running as well; seeking to develop the intergenerational work; care staff & carer training; development of more specifically tailored resources for use with work with older people with special needs, and seeking innovative ways to reduce loneliness and promote health and wellbeing across the generations.
Some of First Taste's Trustees, tutors,volunteers and project workers will continue to support both the delivery of existing projects using their particular experiences, skills & knowledge as well as helping to develop the First Taste work-stream & to maximise on Age UK Derby & Derbyshire countywide outreach .