Live Stronger for Longer Referrals
Referral Form
The Live Stronger for Longer Referral form is below.
This can be used for new referrals to falls classes (section 1 and 2 both need to be completed) .
Phone or post
If you have any difficulties then you can call 01773 766922 or post to Age UK Derby and Derbyshire, 29a Market Place, Heanor, DE75 7EG
Statements for GDPR
Before submitting an enquiry on the form at the bottom of the page, please read the following:
We need to ask you for information about you (your data) in order to note your permission to record and store your data. The information is only what we need in order to deliver your service.
The details entered on the form below are captured securely by Dizions and then automatically entered into our secure system called Charitylog. For more information about how Charitylog captures and retains data securely, please see their FAQs on security:
We will keep your information securely and delete the information as soon as we can. We will ask your permission before passing information to another organisation.
If you are entering the information on behalf of someone else, they need to have agreed to these statements before you enter their personal information.
Falls Referral Process
We have put together a guide to explain what will happen after you submit a referral.
Exercises at home
To help you keep active at home, our LSFL team have put together a series of short videos with simple exercises to help improve your mobility, cardiovascular fitness, balance, strength and flexibility.
Useful documents to download
The documents below gives loads of tips and advice on how to stay independent and things you can do to prevent falls. Includes exercises and how to get up correctly if you do fall. Also included are recent reports and evaluations.