Live Stronger for Longer

- Location: Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
- Price: Costs may vary
The community classes are run by independent instructors therefore charges may vary.
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Derby & Derbyshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
29a Market Place
DE75 7EG
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01773 766922
"Live Stronger for Longer" aim to reduce falls in older people, by providing a range of activities, services and information to help people improve their mobility, strength and balance and reduce their risk of falling.
Falls Prevention Service
Live Stronger for Longer is the falls prevention service for Derbyshire, funded by Derbyshire County Council supporting the falls prevention pathway.
The service supports older people at risk of falls or seeking to improve and maintain their strength and balance.
"The help and support I have had through the Live Stronger for Longer community classes has given me my independence back. We have fun at the classes and the exercises have helped me walk with just my walking stick." (Testimonial from one of our users).
Older people, carers, health and social care professionals, voluntary sector staff and wellbeing services staff can all refer to the Live Stronger for Longer service. Referrals receive individual triage and support to access the most appropriate element of the service.
Strong and Steady programme
A free 24 week programme of postural stability (PSI) level exercise with falls awareness activities, social contact and peer support, supported free transport for 12 weeks and ongoing transport support for remaining 12 weeks and referral to income maximisation support and wellbeing support as required. The programme is 2.5 hours per week including 1 hour exercise class delivered by a PSI Instructor supported by a Class Assistant. Clients completing the programme progress to an appropriate Community LSFL class. Clients must be aged 65+ and resident in Derbyshire.
Community Live Stronger for Longer (LSFL) class
A charged for service delivered by a network of independent Instructors delivering weekly 1 hour classes in local community settings. Exercise class options include Chair Based Exercise, Otago, PSI and Tai Chi. 6 weeks free transport and support is provided for new starters and referral to income maximisation support and wellbeing support as required. All classes are quality assured and delivered by qualified instructors. Clients must be aged 50+ and resident in Derbyshire.
Live Stronger for Longer for Care Homes and Independent Living Centres
A support service to promote falls prevention exercise, increased movement and improved falls prevention management in care settings.
Live Stronger for Longer at Home
A low cost or free option for older people unable to use a community class due to disability, neurodiversity, mental ill-health or caring responsibilities (that cannot be resolved with a support package). ‘At Home’ options include: 4 different CBE to music CD’s designed and delivered by a physiotherapist, online class (zoom /Teams), website video and self-care plan, super six exercise chart and self-care plan, training a professional or unpaid Carer in EMMA exercise. The LSfl At Home option can be flexible enabling a client with variable needs or during health treatment to continue falls prevention exercise while unable to attend their community class. Clients must be aged 50+ and resident in Derbyshire.
We also provide:
• e-learning opportunities to promote falls awareness and promotional events
• training to support the development of community classes
• care home and independent living centre staff skill development
What are the benefits
• Improved strength and balance in everyday movement
• Improved confidence and decreased anxiety about falling
• Increased awareness of falls prevention
• Reduced risk of hip fractures
• Improved resilience to falls with increased recovery skills
• Improved or maintained independence skills
• Improved quality of life and wellbeing
How do I find out more?
To learn more about the service use the link below or call 01773 766922
To make a referral for yourself or another person
Click on the link and complete the simple online referral form