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  • Location: Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
  • Price: Free
Call 01773 766922 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Derby & Derbyshire - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Derby and Derbyshire
29a Market Place
DE75 7EG
United Kingdom

Careline is a telephone befriending service for people living in Erewash. Older people will receive regular telephone calls for a friendly chat.

"Chatting to the Careline staff makes my day and leaves me feeling that someone cares and that I'm wanted." (quote from family member of user)

Careline also provides social and emotional support to older people who are isolated or lonely and who want to maintain their independence. The service provides access to a wide variety of preventative information and support.

Who is it for?

- People living in the Erewash area
- Older people who feel isolated

What are the benefits?

- Older people feel less isolated and more engaged with their community
- Older people have contact with a wide variety of preventative information and support
- Older people receive essential monitoring support to maintain independence
- Carers are supported and receive respite – especially long-distance carers

How do we do it?

Anyone can refer themselves or someone else to the Careline. Referrals are also encouraged from social workers, GPs VCS agency, carers and relatives.

People will receive a regular phone call from a volunteer.

To make a referral, please call 01773 766922 or e-mail