
Published on 23 July 2020 10:00 AM
A Poem for my friends
Lisa Dengate is one of the Strictly No Falling class teachers who we support. She has written this brilliant poem below for her and about her class during their time apart in lockdown:
A Poem For My Friends
This year is like no other
We’ve not seen this before
A microscopic virus
Has sent the world to war.
To stop its spread, the boffins say
We must all stay at home
Don’t socialise with anyone
No more can we roam.
Work from home if possible
And home-school all the kids
Go outside for just one hour
Any more the State forbids.
The Earth is quiet and Nature breathes
A huge sigh of relief
She starts the healing process
She must hurry, it will be brief.
The plane noise drowned the birdsong
Which can now fill up the skies
Cars have stopped, the air has cleared
What a wonderful surprise.
Our walks outside are precious
Take time with Nature’s glories,
Gardens bloom with flowers
Enriching all our stories.
The weather has been so kind to us
The sun has warmed our faces
As we take stock and slow right down
Appreciate Nature’s graces.
It isn’t all plain sailing
Shopping’s been a chore
Not finding any loo roll
That really was a bore!
The solitude is hard to bear
For those who live alone
But friends and family rally round
At the end of every phone.
We clapped for carers Thursday nights
To show appreciation
Of NHS heroes saving lives:
The heartbeat of our nation.
Queuing for our groceries
Or buying stuff online
Here comes another delivery
I hope it will be mine.
Baking now is popular
Get stuck in, kneading dough,
Or head out to the garden,
Lots of seeds out there to sow.
Technology keeps us connected
Zoom meetings fill the days,
YouTube quizzes, Netflix movies,
TV series to amaze.
We keep in touch via WhatsApp
We email, text and phone.
Video calling’s hilarious
My word your hair has grown!
We’ve time to do that project,
To paint or read or sew.
Finish up those little jobs
We started long ago.
Exercise is paramount
As we all want to stay fit
Twice a week we ‘congregate’,
Drink’s ready, so’s our kit.
At 11am on Tuesdays
The same on Thursdays too
The DVDs are started
Time to galvanise the crew.
Pat W’s sparkly leotard
Brings glamour to the class,
Mavis is in the garden
Tending to the grass.
Enid’s John looks after her
He really is so kind,
Heather has done a jigsaw
That nearly blew her mind!
Terry’s reading thrillers
Before she goes to bed
She’ll wake up petrified with fright
Awful visions in her head!
Pat B’s op was a great success
She convalesced in Ashbourne
She’s back at home, I’m glad to say,
Her joints are now reborn.
Edna’s grandsons cleared her garage
She was so pleased they scrubbed it clean,
Anne Y’s microwave gave up the ghost
Which really was so mean.
Our lovely boat ladies Sue and Jac
Have traumatised their pets
Waving those blinking pompoms
Is giving them the sweats!
Frances and Keith are plodding on
Trying not to climb the walls,
Noel and Anne amuse their dogs
Throwing toys along the halls.
Anna’s teaching Edward
The youngest of her kids,
Margaret’s sewing masks like mad
While her phone is on the skids.
Sue S has trouble sleeping
We can all relate to that,
We’ve all had days that wobble
Where everything seems flat.
Kath goes to visit Nora
Oakland’s reigning jigsaw queen.
Jill, Peter H and Janet
Are nowhere to be seen.
The residents, behind closed doors,
Stay safely in their flats
The kitchen brings them dinners
And leaves them on their mats.
Joyce B’s been watching wrestling,
And Sandra reads true crime,
Joyce H has been knitting angels
To while away the time.
Barbara C can’t play the DVD
She doesn’t have a machine
But she does the moves from memory
She doesn’t need a screen.
Helen’s had no kitchen
She’s been baking in her van.
Pam got cooked in her garden
But sunburn’s turned to tan.
Barbara H’s hubby is fast asleep,
Pat T’s digs up the weeds,
Pat F loves Mr Motivator
She’s following as he leads.
Margaret and Joan had problems
Getting their discs to play
They kept on trying this and that
And now they work - hooray!
Sue’s cat attacks the pompoms,
Carol’s son Alex has joined our group.
Jean’s loving grandson, Ethan,
Was keeping her in the loop.
Peter P has sadly not been well
But his health is now improving.
Tony videoed Patricia
As evidence that she’s been moving!
When Joy went out her face mask broke
She had to wait inside the car
Her husband got the shopping in
Ah bless him, what a star!
Audrey worked for British Airways
I’ll bet she can tell some tales
Gill’s wrist strength is improving
Woe betide her males!
Kath’s widening her skill set
She’s bought a hula hoop
Can’t wait for her to show us
When we can meet up as a group.
It’s great we’ve stayed connected
Through our exercise regime,
Chatting on the phone sometimes
So we can let off steam.
Lockdown will not last for ever
But who knows when it will end
Keeping positive is so important
As the Earth is on the mend.
Thank you for your patience
If you’ve read up to this point
And if you do the video
To lubricate each joint.
Thanks again for joining in with me
For being in my gang
Moving together in harmony
Bringing balance - the yin yang.
Keep it up until we meet
Whenever that may be
‘Til then stay safe and healthy
Happy and carefree.