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Falls Prevention Service Grants

Small Grants Available poster

Published on 24 November 2020 12:00 PM

Live Stronger for Longer

Derbyshire County Council is running a Falls Prevention Campaign to improve awareness of the risk of falls and how to prevent them.  Many falls can be avoided by simple measures people take themselves. 

Small Grants are available to help local groups and teams to get creative, reach local people, have fun and raise awareness of falls prevention.

Who: This small grant fund is for voluntary and community groups, businesses and teams across Derbyshire County. 

What: Around 20 groups, businesses or teams can receive up to £500 in grant funding. 

Groups can apply for funding to run an activity, or put on an event(s), or extend a current meeting/event, that will raise awareness around the risks of falling. To adapt to the current social distancing regulations, we will also be looking to support approaches that are remote/online. The emphasis will be on engaging family, friends and staff who can support older people.

Get creative!  Run events, quizzes, talks, with existing groups or with new audiences.   You will be supported to plan your activity, receive free campaign resources, offered training and help to complete a simple evaluation to share your work.

The application form is quick and simple to complete:

Application Form

The Closing Date for applications is Wednesday 16th December.

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