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Falls Friend Training

Picture of falls friend badge

Published on 26 November 2020 10:30 AM

Become a Falls Friend In your Coffee Break!

Available FREE to individuals, groups and communities across Derbyshire!

In 20 minutes, this whistle-stop workshop will introduce you to the causes and consequences of falls and will equip you with some strategies to reduce your own falls risk and that of the people you care for.

Falls can have long-term consequences and not just for the  person who has grab a coffee or tea and a large piece of cake and join us for an informative session!

You’ll receive a badge and a certificate; all we ask of you, is that you continue to talk about falls risks with family and friends and help to reduce the incidence of falls in your community.

For more information and to book a session for you or your organisation please email:

Sue Sheldon & Lindsey Coombs at:


07875 427921 (Sue)

07745 273333 (Lindsey)

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