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Ways to donate

  • By Standing Order

    Please find below our bank details if you wish to set up a standing order directly into the Age Cymru West Glamorgan’s bank account.

    Bank: Barclays PLC
    Account Name: Age Cymru West Glamorgan Ltd.
    Sort Code: 20-84-41          
    Account number: 30452300

  • By Cheque

    If you would like to write us a cheque, please make it payable to Age Cymru West Glamorgan. Our address is;

    Age Cymru West Glamorgan
    250 Carmarthen Road,
    SA1 1HG

How much shall I donate?

  • Thank you for being there for us, so we can keep delivering support.

    Your donations help us support adults in need, huge amounts...

    • £15 Could help us take a call from someone needing help.
    • £25 Could provide specialist support to someone living with dementia.
    • £50 Could pay for advice that will help someone access vital benefits.

    If you have any questions at all about donating, please get in touch. 

  • Donation in lieu of flowers

    Increasingly, families are choosing to limit floral tributes at funerals to immediate family only. Other family members and friends are then invited to make a donation to a charity in lieu of flowers. You can also ask the funeral director to collect donations in lieu of flowers and ask that these are passed onto us.  

    However much you choose to give, your gift will ensure that Age Cymru West Glamorgan can continue to provide excellent services to older people.

    Thank You