Sophia Vasquez Announced as Vice-Chair
Published on 01 November 2021 01:20 PM
After joining the Board of Trustees last year, we are delighted to announce that Sophia Vasquez is stepping up to become Vice-Chair.
A qualified solicitor and Deputy Head of Admiral Law, her career is founded in the Welsh legal profession, and she brings a wealth of experience in client care, governance, strategy and leadership.
Sophia said: “I’m looking forward to supporting our Chair, Mel Rayner, and continuing Craig Lawton’s outstanding contributions these last few years.
“I wanted to become a trustee because of the vital role organisations such as Age Cymru West Glamorgan play in supporting everyone in our communities to age well with dignity and retain independence for as long as possible. I have family based locally in Port Talbot and have had personal insight into the challenges faced by older people in our community. My legal career has also given me a deep understanding of the critical support and care that so often requires strong collaboration between charities, healthcare providers and local authorities.
“I joined ACWG at a time of unprecedented challenge within the sector. I was very impressed with how the organisation adapted and responded so quickly to the demands of the pandemic to ensure the most vulnerable in the communities were looked after. It is testament to Connor’s leadership, together with the commitment and passion of all the staff at ACWG, that we have been able to continue to provide meaningful services to so many clients through some of their most difficult times. I’m so proud of all they achieved.
“We are living in extraordinary times and the role of charities in the community like ACWG has never been greater. I’ll be doing all I can to help achieve our vision of being the first thought for people over 50 and their carers living in Swansea, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend when looking for trusted, quality support that puts people at the heart.”