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  1. Assistive technology

    that detect when a person has had a problem, and send alerts to a designated call centre which then organises assistance.  For example, the alert might get sent if you left the gas on by accident, or

  2. Falls Prevention

    can’t reach a telephone. Pressing a button on a pendant or wristband you wear all the time will alert a 24-hour response centre. The staff at the centre will then call out the best person to help you ... neighbour, relative or friend, or emergency services. Telecare A telecare system can automatically alert staff at a response centre if you need help, such as if you’ve fallen. For example, a bed or

  3. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    local pharmacist.  Co-ordinate - Assist the normal services that would support the individual, and alert if the person is unwell and may have infection to protect visiting health and social care workers

  4. Glossary of online terms

    A small window that suddenly appears (or ‘pops up’) on a webpage, usually an advertisement or an alert. Profile A description that may include your personal details and is used to identify you on a social

  5. IG17.pdf

    around the bath or shower • a special safety plug that limits water level • a flood detector that alerts a monitoring centre if the bath or sink starts to overflow • long-handled sponges • non-slip mats ... trouble hearing them, consider getting models that raise an audible alarm with a flashing light and alert staff at a monitoring centre. Next steps Contact Living Made Easy for details of equipment and telecare

  6. RB_Oct17_Scams_party_conference_paper_nocrops.pdf

    priority. 3. The Government While it is impossible to end fraud altogether, the Government needs to be alert to the potential for fraud arising from policy change. For example, reforms to private pensions (pension

  7. Phone scams

    money to renew your  Telephone Preference Service  registration, which is actually free. Be alert to all of these. Check a charity’s registration with the Charity Commission to find out if they’re

  8. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    playing o Play an imaginary piano keeping the elbows tucked in and the forearm parallel to the floor Wrists  Royal wave o Wave the hands from side to side  Hand flaps o Flap the hands up and down  Circle

  9. WASP Summit slides final TS.pdf

    online claim • £380 in gaming vouchers requested • Caller to return with money • CACS, TS and SWP alerted • Officers attended • Caller requested voucher code • Officer assistance prevented loss and provided

  10. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    aware of flood alerts and warnings. Age UKs may, with adequate resources, be able to help build people’s preparedness by making them aware of such alerts, supporting them to receive those alerts themselves

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