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People also search for: winter fuel payment single person, younger people loneliness, warm home discount broader group

  1. The Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount

    Winter Fuel Payment is an annual payment to help with heating costs. Find out if you can claim Winter Fuel Payment.

  2. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    Briefing The Winter Fuel Payment April 2015 This briefing note provides information about the winter fuel payment (WFP) and also explains Age UK’s views. Who receives it and how much is it worth ... today? The WFP is a one-off annual payment that provides help with the cost of energy bills for pensioner households. It is currently a UK payment but responsibility for the payment in Scotland is expected

  3. Arts in Care Homes

    Age Cymru champion arts and creativity in care homes, and can support care homes, their staff and residents in a number of ways.

  4. Problems with a care home

    The majority of care homes are very well run and provide excellent care - however, occasionally you might be unhappy about the care home. Here's how to go about complaining.

  5. Paying for a care home

    Most people will be expected to pay something towards the costs of their accommodation and personal care from their income and capital.

  6. Making relationships count

    A helpful guide for families, unpaid carers and care staff supporting a person moving to live in a care home

  7. Supporting good mental health in care homes

    Good mental health in care homes research

  8. Finding and moving into a care home

    Finding the right care home for you or your loved one can be a tricky issue. We take you through the steps, and share our care home checklist.

  9. Care Home Volunteer Toolkit

    Our care home toolkit is a resource available to care homes about recruitment, training and supporting volunteers and care homes

  10. Care Homes

    Find out more information about how we work with care homes in Wales

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