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  1. Random acts of kindness

    The 17 February is random acts of kindness day. Why not carry out an act of kindness and make someone's day a little brighter.

  2. State Pension

    There is a new State Pension for anyone who reaches State Pension age after 6 April 2016.

  3. Assist and Connect

    Assist and Connect is a community based, face to face support service where volunteers are matched with a member of their community who requires support.

  4. The new State Pension

    Information about how the state pension is forecast, calculated and paid.

  5. 17 Care home volunteer code of conduct (1).pdf

    1 Care Home Volunteer Code of Conduct Policy Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a code of conduct for care home volunteers of Age Cymru. It does not replace any information provided ... to feel comfortable in your presence but not beyond the boundary of your role. Relationship building is good, but you aren’t a personal friend to residents • Remember you’re on the care home’s premises

  6. Workplace pensions

    Heard about workplace pensions and auto-enrolment but aren't sure what that means for you? Find out more here.

  7. Pensions advice

    Advice and information on pensions

  8. Pension Credit

    Information about the two parts of pension credit: Savings Credit and Guarantee Credit, and how much money pension credit will give you

  9. Pension scams

    allowing people to access their pension pots from age 55 have brought with them new scams. Be cautious of anyone approaching you with advice on how to invest your pension.

  10. About our dementia advocacy project

    project is about enabling people with dementia access to services and support that they need and to have a voice in decisions that are being made. It is also to support them though situations where they

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