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  1. Conversation resource - English.pdf

    Government funded project called Tell Me More to find out how care home residents have been during the difficult period of the pandemic. Residents from all-across Wales were asked over Zoom about their experience ... sometimes sad but always full of inspiration and hope. The conversations were highly valued by us and the care home residents. Why conversations like this matter Since the dawn of humanity some things have

  2. Conversation resource - Welsh.pdf

    Yn 2020 cychwynnodd Age Cymru brosiect a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru o’r enw Sut Wyt Ti? Pwrpas y prosiect oedd darganfod sut brofiad cafodd breswylwyr cartrefi gofal yn ystod cyfnod anodd y pandemig. Gan ddefnyddio Zoom, gofynnwyd i breswylwyr ledled Cymru am eu profiadau, ac maent wedi rhoi o’u hamser i rannu eu straeon gyda ni. Roedd y straeon a’r cipolwg ar eu bywydau yn aml yn codi’r

  3. End of life issues

    Thinking about the end of life can be difficult, but being well informed can help us stay in control of the way we die.

  4. Advance care planning

    haven’t been able to have the end of life care they wanted for their final journey; and for some, how difficult it’s been for people to get the care they needed during the pandemic crisis.    ... become frail or ill.     Having a conversation about your wishes   Thinking about this and talking to our loved ones can be difficult, but it doesn’t need to be. Ensuring that

  5. Tell me more - care home resident engagement project

    watch the recording below. Reports Tell Me More report details key themes that featured in the conversations we had with people living in care homes during 2021, one of the most challenging times that care ... the findings from conversation with 105 residents living in 22 care homes throughout Wales. Tell Me More Summary Report - Welsh Tell Me More Summary Report - English Our conversation resource shares the

  6. Tell Me More report (English).pdf

    residents, how to time our approach and how to invite conversations about well-being. Age Cymru cARTrefu artists, Emma Prentice and Jon Ratigan held conversations with the residents and drew their portraits for ... portraits were subsequently offered as a gift of thanks. Following the success of the first few conversations, we were able to invite three other homes to the project. We have to date, gained insights from

  7. Feeling lonely

    the social contact and enjoyment you used to get from work, or have health problems that make it difficult for you to go out and do the things you enjoy. There also might not be any clear reason at all to ... you can talk to, it can be a good idea to talk about your feelings. This might seem like a difficult conversation to have, but actually talking is often the best way to start feeling better. Talking to someone

  8. Become a Community Assistance Volunteer

    remote telephone listening service called Listen and Connect . Both services provide friendship, conversation and support, while relieving isolation, loneliness and worry.  Assist and Connect Assist and Connect ... community who requires support. Holistic wellbeing and resilience is achieved through guided conversations which look at the whole person.  Volunteers: We recruit volunteers from across Wales in each local

  9. Talking_about_death_booklet_final_version.pdf

    delighted to have been asked to write the foreword of this book. We all seem to find it difficult to have conversations about dying and death. It’s an intergenerational thing. We know this because of our social ... explanations or as a tool for young people and whole families. This book is designed to start conversations to help everyone to feel empowered and positive to talk about death, to be confident to question

  10. Age Cymru

    Do you have feelings of being worried, isolated and/or lonely? We can help provide friendship, conversation and support. Get information Get Involved The new state pension The new State Pension is a regular

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