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  1. EnvisAGE

    Wales highlight how the health of unpaid carers can be negatively impacted by their caring role. The article by Sara Walters features the Roots to Recovery project delivered in partnership between Mind Pembrokeshire ... an insight into the Mamwlad project which promotes wellbeing in rural communities. In our final article Bethan Edwards from Marie Curie Cymru focuses on the support available to people across Wales who

  2. Physical abuse

    back, buttocks, thighs Clusters of injuries forming regular patterns or reflecting the shape of an article Burns, especially on soles, palms or back; from immersion in hot water, friction burns, rope or electric

  3. Advocacy newsletters

    to useful documents, training, websites and news all about advocacy. If you would like to have an article or piece of information considered for inclusion in a future issue, please email the team  

  4. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    47 member countries all of which subscribe to 2 the ECHR. The Convention is divided into Articles and Articles 2 to 14 set out the rights that are protected by the Convention. European Court on Human ... Community law, but not national law.) The 1998 Human Rights Act (HRA) The HRA incorporates the Articles of the ECHR into UK law. It did not create any new rights but made it clear that as far as possible

  5. Human rights

    humiliated. What does this right mean? It must be very severe treatment to reach the threshold of Article 3, however whether treatment meets this threshold will depend on the facts of the individual case ... another convention right. This means that you can use this article if you can show that, within the scope of the other articles such as Article 2, 3, 5 and 8, you have been discriminated against on

  6. 20230418 WASPI code conduct - Age Cymru response.pdf

    become an approved Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) Code of Conduct under the provisions of article 40 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. WASPI is a tool used for lawful and safe sharing

  7. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    uchel, nid oes modd i’r awdurdod osod ffi, o dywedwch £60 yr wythnos, os yw’r gwasanaeth yn costio £40 yn unig iddynt ei ddarparu mewn gwirionedd (naill ai trwy ei drefnu’n uniongyrchol, neu gomisiynu sefydliad ... yn rhoi gwasanaethau yn eu lle, a fyddai’n costio £40 yr wythnos i’w darparu neu’u trefnu, yna’r uchafswm ffi y gellir ei godi am y rhain fyddai £40. Yna, byddai prawf modd y person yn penderfynu p’un

  8. RB_July17_Age_UK_Human_rights_of_older_persons_and_their_comprehensive_care.pdf

    and autonomy. There are also five main articles of the European Convention on Human Rights that are significant for older people:  Article 2 - Right to life  Article 3 - Prohibition of torture, inhuman ... inhuman and degrading treatment  Article 5 - Right to liberty  Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life  Article 14 - Prohibition of discrimination Age UK works with government and other organisations

  9. Clare Lucas.pdf

    liberty” • No statutory definition • Deprivation of liberty will continue to have the same meaning as Article 5(1) ECHR • Code of practice must include guidance on meaning of deprivation of liberty • LPS code

  10. Winter celebration grant application form 2018.docx

    on information supplied in your application. In the case of more extensive publicity, such as an article focusing on a single project, we will contact you before proceeding.If you do not want your project

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