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  1. Policy Publications

    Age Cymru's Policy and Public Affairs team has produced a range of publications about the issues affecting older people in Wales.

  2. Age Matters

    Age Matters is the quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru

  3. Age Cymru

    Age Cymru is the largest charity working with and for older people in Wales. Our vision is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life.

  4. Age Awareness Training

    Age Awareness Training

  5. Which exercise might suit you?

    Different activities bring a different range of benefits, so try a variety of things. Finding something you enjoy means you’re more likely to do it regularly.

  6. Age Cymru Advice

    Age Cymru Advice is committed to being the foremost information and advice service to older people in Wales.

  7. age friendly Wales

    In an age friendly wales, older people would not experience barriers to independent living and would remain actively engaged with their communities.

  8. Age Awareness Training

    Age Cymru’s age awareness training will enhance the understanding and skills of your customer service staff, improving the quality of customer service provided to older customers, ensuring they feel valued

  9. Contact Age Cymru

    Find out about the different ways you can contact Age Cymru, whether it's to get inforamtion and advice on money or care, ask about donations or something else.

  10. Age Cymru Pembrokeshire

    If you live in the Pembrokeshire area, find out more information about how Age Cymru can help you.

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