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  1. Buses - a lifeline for older people

    Buses - a lifeline for older people. Written for Age Cymru by the Bevan Foundation, draws on the views and experiences of more than 300 people aged 60 and over of the importance of bus services

  2. Community Calculator


  3. flipbook tester


  4. Being a friend.pdf

    Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road ... Wales ‘Being a Friend’ Who can be a ‘Friend’? • Potentially anyone in Wales who is not self-isolating can be a ‘Friend’ if they know someone who needs support locally. • You may already be a ‘Friend’ Why

  5. 01_Knit_A_Rainbow_DIGITAL.pdf

    knit a rainbow needles 4mm wool colours level knitted bobble hat This hat has got it all. Colours of the rainbow, that is. If you want to send any pots of gold you find to us directly, we’re totally fine ... you knit it: Cast on 31 sts in red. Knit two rows (garter st). Change to orange and beginning with a knit row continue in st as follows: 2 rows orange, 2 rows yellow, 2 rows green, 2 rows blue, 2 rows

  6. Leave a legacy

    Leave a world less lonely With a gift to Age Cymru in your will, you can do so much to make sure older people have the support they deserve in the years to come. It's easy to continue supporting your favourite ... favourite causes with a gift in your will. When we make our wills, we naturally want to make sure our loved ones are cared for. But through your will you can also leave something special to the many thousands

  7. Become a corporate partner

    Find out more information about becoming a corporate with Age Cymru

  8. Making a will

    If you want to be sure your wishes will be met after you die, then making a will is vital.

  9. Life on a low income

    Our report 'life on a low income' has cast new light on what life is like for older people in poverty in Wales

  10. How to leave a legacy

    Writing a will is an important step towards making sure your wishes can be respected.

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