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  1. Autumn_Budget_2017_briefing.pdf

    1 Briefing: November 2017 Budget 22 November 2017 Contact: 2 The Autumn Budget on 22 November was notable mainly for what it did not say, and in particular neither social care nor pensioners received a mention. However, our policy experts have been through the detailed papers, and the parts relevant to older people are summarised in this paper. You can

  2. Age Cymru Advice Poster.pdf

    Darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor ar faterion sy’n effeithio ar bobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru. Providing free, confidential and expert advice on matters affecting the over 50s in Wales. Mae Cyngor Age Cymru yn gweithredu fel porth i’n gwasanaethau lleol. Mae’n bosib cael cymorth wyneb i wyneb trwy partneriaid Age Cymru lleol, a lle yn bosib mae ymweliadau

  3. State Pension

    Eventually the Basic State Pension will be phased out completely. From April 2021, State Pension age is 66 for both men and women (in the future it is due to increase further, though this won’t start

  4. Pension Credit

    may be eligible for Guarantee Credit if you've reached State Pension age (as of April 2021, this is 66 for both men and women).  If you are unsure when you will be able to recieve your State Pension

  5. Changes to the benefit system

    benefits for people of working age - i.e. people younger than State Pension age (as of April 2021, this is 66 for both men and women. For further infomation on State Pension age, see the UK Government website

  6. Attendance Allowance

    or disability. To be eligible you will have to be over State Pension age (as of April 2021, this is 66 for both men and women). If you’re under State Pension age then you may be able to claim a different

  7. IG50.pdf

    You may be eligible for Guarantee Credit if: • you’ve reached State Pension age – this is currently 66 years old for both men and women • your weekly income is less than £218.15 if you’re single, or less

  8. Dec 2016 Safeguarding meeting - External.pdf

    victims; the perpetrator is more likely to be a sibling or child than in other age groups. Women over 66 comprise half of women killed by a family member— a third were killed by a partner and a quarter by

  9. FS1w.pdf

    Factsheet 1w  January 2024 2 of 66 Contents 1 Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 The issue of fuel poverty 6 2 Obtaining temporary ... scheme 23 Factsheet 1w  January 2024 3 of 66 7 The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) 24 7.1 Who can get help from the ECO? 24 7.2 What kind of help

  10. RB_Sept12_A_means_to_many_ends_older_workers'_experiences_of_flexible_working.pdf

    mutual good. Policy context The Government has recently legislated to raise the State Pension age to 66 for both men and women by 2020, and has put forward proposals to further increase the age to 67 between ... 64 66 68 70 72 74 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Men Women Figure 5 15% 20% 25% 30% 24 A means to many ends A means to many ends 25 Age 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68

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