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  1. Information for carers (if you help a relative or friend)

    practical and financial support that are available to you. We cover the main things to help lighten the load a little. If you look after your partner, or a relative or friend who is ill or disabled, you are ... found in the benefits & entitlements section of our website . If you care for someone at least 20 hours per week, you could get Carer’s Credit. This helps to maintain your National Insurance record

  2. IG52.pdf

    AgeUKIG52 Extra money if you’re looking after someone. Carer’s Allowance. 2 Am I a carer? The word ‘carer’ means different things to different people. You might not think of yourself as one, but if you look after a partner, relative or friend who’d find it difficult to manage without your support, then you’re a carer. Many people mistakenly believe they can’t claim Carer’s Allowance. But as a

  3. Scams and Swindles 2 PDF proof English.pdf Still not enough protection for older people! Scams and swindles Registered charity 1128436 2 Creating an age friendly Wales Inside: what needs to happen next Contents Introduction 2 Executive summary 3 Our progress so far 4 Why can’t Wales have more 6 No Cold Calling Zones? Misleading or dishonest? 8 Direct marketing

  4. Scams information hub February 2016.pdf

    Scams information hub February 2016 Worst scams in 2015 Top five scams to look out for in 2016 Watch out for fraudsters harvesting signatures on your doorstep    Telephone scam Fraudsters claiming to be from Action Fraud     Email scam “Your package has been seized” Royal Mail scam emails     British Commonwealth National card scam         Mail scam Copycat websites now turn to

  5. au addysg Pecyn adnoddau addysg ymwybyddiaeth o gwympiadau ymwybyddiaeth o gwympiadau - Cyfnod allweddol 2.pdf

    gwympiadau Cynnwys Paratoi ar gyfer y sesiwn 4 Cynllun ar gyfer y wers Ymarfer yn yr ystafell ddosbarth – 20 munud 6 Cynllun ar gyfer y wers ‘Golygfa digwyddiad’ y gwymp – 25 munud 7 Wedi’r sesiwn 10 4 Pecyn ... chi’n eu caru yn ystod pob cam o’ch bywyd. Cynllun ar gyfer y wers Ymarfer yn yr ystafell ddosbarth – 20 munud Mae’r rhan hon o’r gweithgaredd wedi’i chynllunio i annog plant i feddwl am gwympo, beth all

  6. Getting advice.pdf

    person you’re supporting is aged under 50, please ask them to call Citizens Advice on 0skk mkr7 20 20 or visit their website They could also get help or advice from support

  7. FS78w.pdf

    14 3.3 ‘Self-neglect’ – potential relevance in abuse cases 16 3.4 Physical abuse 18 3.5 Sexual abuse 20 3.6 Psychological or emotional abuse 22 3.7 Institutional / organisational abuse 24 3.8 Abuse motivated ... assist in this area. Factsheet 78w  November 2022 20 of 74  Insomnia, fearfulness, unexplained paranoia, anxiety, including “subdued or changed behaviour

  8. IG47.pdf

    Talking to family and friends. 16. Doing things together. 18. Practical things you can do. Legal affairs. 20. Carer’s Allowance and other benefits. 22. Dealing with money. 24. Home. 26. Driving. 28. Health and ... know. Photos can trigger memories and encourage the person with dementia to talk about their life. 20 Practical things you can do. There are lots of practical things that might be helpful – whether it’s

  9. Scams information hub March 2016.pdf

    Scams information hub March 2016 Wales-wide partnership to protect Welsh public from scams is launched “Scams ruin lives” says Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Final Edition Action Fraud reveals that it receives 8,000 reports of phishing scams every month    People experiencing mental health issues targeted by fraudsters            Fraudsters are recording phone calls and

  10. IG48.pdf

    Finding support in your local area. 16. Living well with dementia. Making life easier. 17. Your health. 20. Driving. 21. Holidays. 22. Keeping engaged and active. 23. Working. 25. Legal and financial considerations ... as an LGBT+ person living with dementia, see Alzheimer’s Society’s guide LGBT: Living with dementia. 20 Your health. Struggling to see or hear can be very unsettling, and can lead to feeling isolated from

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