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  1. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    community groups 96% of participants would like to attend more Gwanwyn events 92% of participants who engaged in artistic expression reported benefit 89% reported benefit to their well-being as a result ... my thanks to all organisers, partners, participants and volunteers (both past, present and future) who have made Gwanwyn the festival it is today. Without you there wouldn’t be so much colour, vibrancy

  2. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    to obtain the required information from managing agents to support their case. Older leaseholders can find the tribunals intimidating, complex and costly without adequate legal representation.  An alternative ... redress service is now required to give better legal and financial protection to older leaseholders who wish to make a complaint. This could involve a conciliation stage and a more formal adjudication service

  3. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    favourite stories and family memories I didn’t even know – who would have thought that Dad enjoyed Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles! Thank you to Laura who obviously put Dad at ease and made him feel valued as ... guidance was often difficult to obtain. Some residents told us that they felt overprotected by staff who were wanting to keep them safe and away from news reports. Facilitator: She told me that the staff

  4. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    allocation cannot fix the crisis facing social care. The improved working that this transfer will support can only mitigate, not solve, the huge reduction in the availability of services caused by the real-term ... focus on substantial and critical needs risks leaving no public funding available for most of those who need ‘a little bit of help’ to remain active and independent. Key points Increasing demand  The

  5. Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024- 2034.pdf

    Age Cymru, which counts ‘empowering’ among its key values and aims to give people (especially those who are disadvantaged) the tools to take control of their own lives and lead them in a positive direction ... on page 7 that ‘suicide and self-harm are not diagnosable mental health conditions and most people who die by suicide are not known to NHS mental health services’). By acknowledging that the response to

  6. CRS_Oct15_Refreshing_Public_health_outcomes_framework.pdf

    life. Poor health is not, however, an inevitable part of ageing and there are a number of steps that can be taken throughout the life course, including in older age, to ensure we stay well and healthy for ... many parts of Britain for people to live into their 80s. A woman aged 75 can today expect to live another 13 years, while a man can expect another 11 yearsiii. And this upward trend is set to continue. Over

  7. Age Cymru response to 6th Senedd Health and Social Care priorities September 2021.pdf

    effects on people in Wales both individually and society as a whole. As all the priorities identified can not be addressed in the short term, it is vital that prevention is focussed upon to help people remain ... primary health services. If people are unable to access care at the time they need it, their situation can escalate and require more acute interventions. Our Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during

  8. fftf extension project-Final Evaluation Report (July 2015) docx.pdf

    report would like to thank: Vinal K Karania, Devna Vickerman and David Terrace of Age UK National who liaised with the research team throughout the project, and provided appropriate data and information ... authors are also grateful to all those involved in the fit for the future programme extension project, who generously gave their time to participate in the research, including the older people, local Age UK

  9. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi.docx

    ydPensiwnyrAdran Gwaith a Phensiynauynuniongyrcholar 0800 99 1234 neu Beth sy’ndisgrifiosefyllfaeichcartreforau?o Rydwi’nberchenarfynhŷyngyfangwblo Ryd

  10. CSR_May13_UNDESA_Call_for_input.pdf

    in lower- and middle-income countries through our partner and subsidiary charity Age International, who has contributed this submission. Introduction International human rights treaties do not recognise ... to be made and where protection must be reinforced and special measures taken so that older people can exercise their rights on an equal basis with others • Outline measures that States Parties must take

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