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  1. Age Cymru response to Social Care Wales Draft Equality Plan September 2021.pdf

    anti-discriminatory work in the corporate plan. However, we would welcome further detail on how this can be achieved. We support plans to improve qualitative and quantitative data and evidence collection ... opportunities to direct attention to areas where the need for change and improvement is greatest, and so can have a larger impact on equality objectives. We welcome the inclusion of tackling discrimination on

  2. Spotlight on employment and older workers event held on Tuesday 31 January 2023

    explored how employers in Wales are creating workplaces where older workers can thrive, and the benefits that a mixed aged workforce can bring to organisations. It also explored how some of the barriers that ... older people can thrive in the workplace.  Speakers agreed the cost-of-living crisis makes it more important than ever that we enable older people to flourish in the workplace so they can become more

  3. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    Raisins F r o z e n p e a s Lentils Soya drink C o u s C o u s pasta Whole wheat B a g e l s P o r r i d g e L o w f a t s o f t c h e e s e T u n a P l ai n n u ts p e a s C h ic k Semi milk skimmed C h ... cereal P ot a to es Spaghetti L o w f a t P l a in y o g h u r t Lean mince Lower fat spread Sauce O i l V e g Rice Each serving (150g) contains of an adult’s reference intake Typical values (as sold) per

  4. CRS_Sept16_Retirement_Outcome_Review.pdf

    has happened, policymaking should not be premised on the assumption that rates of shopping around can be increased.  The take-up of Pension Wise remains stubbornly low – an immediate priority should be ... seek to develop a benchmark of consumer behaviour against which the impact of these policy changes can be evaluated. 3  The priority should be ensuring good outcomes for consumers who are either disengaged

  5. Winter 2022 Newsletter web.pdf

    com/agecymru Practical and costeffective ways to keep warm, well and safe this winter Winter can be a tough time for all of us but especially this year with the cost-of-living crisis. So, in this special ... challenging life can sometimes seem that there’s advice, help and support out there. So, please if you’re struggling this winter don’t suffer in silence but reach out to us and we’ll do all we can to help. For

  6. CRS_March12_Charging_fees_in_ET_and_EAT.pdf

    of fees, especially for discrimination claims. Setting discrimination claims at the highest level can only serve to deter people from claiming, even if their claim is sound.  If the fees system prevents ... characteristics have longer histories. 4 Even so, the number of claims on grounds of age, 6,800 in 2010/11,i still falls well short of other protected characteristics, and is small relative to the scale of the

  7. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    community services and activities which facilitate the inclusion and participation of older people, which can help overcome loneliness and isolation. Age Cymru has separate public policy statements on the built ... people in Wales reported ‘always or often’ feeling lonely1, and there is increasing evidence that this can have severe implications for physical and mental health. People may become increasingly isolated

  8. Promo Leaflet v5.pdf

    questionnaire. You can complete our questionnaire at or contact us for a paper version which can be sent back to us free of charge. Or if you prefer you can talk to us about ... about your experiences. We can also provide you with information and signposting information to support you as part of this conversation. Contact us Luke Conlon - Carers Project Officer luke.conlon@agecymru

  9. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    Hamer a Jill Ball Tudalen 14 Gwasanaeth eirioli a arweinir gan wirfoddolwyr ar gyfer pobl hŷn agored i niwed yng Nghymru: beth ddywedodd defnyddwyr gwasanaeth am effaith fuddiol eiriolaeth iddyn nhw? ... Cymru oed gyfeillgar Cyflwyniad Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr, Age Cymru 2 Mae’n hanfodol bwysig i ni i gyd gael llais a rheolaeth dros benderfyniadau sy’n effeithio arnom, a gwybod bod ein dymuniadau

  10. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    Delivered effectively, it can help to promote the independence of older people, empowering them to make choices, secure their rights and act in their own interests1 Advocacy can be defined as: . For example ... regard to benefit entitlements, housing or social care options. “…taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain services they need. Advocates

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