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  1. CRS_Feb16_CCG_improvement_and_assessment_framework.pdf

    working to reform and change to better meet the needs of an older and ageing population. With more of us living longer, increasingly with complex needs, making sure the NHS is working effectively for older ... digitally excluded. Twothirds of people aged 75 and over and three out of ten aged 65 to 74 do not use the internet. Roll-out of “digital-only” approaches must make sure services are still accessible to

  2. IG52.pdf

    extra amount added to my Pension Credit. So I now have that little bit extra each month.’ 10 11 Useful organisations. Age UK. We provide information and advice for people in later life through our Age ... All of our publications are available in large print and audio formats. There’s plenty of really useful information on our website, too. Visit to get started.

  3. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    cynllun peilot byd-eang i brofi a mireinio ‘Measuring the age-friendliness of cities: A guide to using the core indicators’. Hefyd, bu Cymru yn bartner gweithredol yn y rhwydwaith AFE-INNOVNET a arweiniodd ... nodweddion cynhwysol gwell. Nod astudiaeth OPUS (Defnydd Pobl Hŷn o Fannau Anghyfarwydd - Older People’s Use of Unfamiliar Space) oedd archwilio i ba raddau yr oedd amgylcheddau’n cyfyngu ar ymreolaeth ac annibyniaeth

  4. Shopping.pdf

    person who needs supporting you can help them access this support through local organisations. You can use the contact information below. For information on how to safely pay for goods see: Paying for goods

  5. IG53.pdf

    you depends on whether you reached State Pension age before or after the new system was introduced. Use the chart below to see which system applies to you and which page to turn to for more information ... Age Cymru and Age NI have their own versions of this. • Visit to use our benefits calculator or visit your local Age UK to get a benefits check. In Wales, visit your local

  6. 20190821 CHC Consultation Response.pdf

    content and style are welcome. We would welcome the publication of a simplified framework which can be used by practitioners, service users and carers. We believe that it should include information about

  7. envisage15_English.pdf

    information on our vision for an age friendly Wales or any topics covered in this journal please contact us on 029 2043 1555 4 Employment trends ... the workplace. When recruiting, it’s important that organisations consider the language and images used in job advertisements, ensuring they’re not discriminatory or unintentionally exclude older people

  8. envisage15_English.pdf

    information on our vision for an age friendly Wales or any topics covered in this journal please contact us on 029 2043 1555 4 Employment trends ... the workplace. When recruiting, it’s important that organisations consider the language and images used in job advertisements, ensuring they’re not discriminatory or unintentionally exclude older people

  9. IPA and IAA handout.docx

    situations that will impair individuals’ ability to:  understand relevant information retain information use or weigh information communicate their views, wishes and feelings .3  Appropriate individual   The

  10. This is Older Image Library tender document .pdf

    resolution, digital photographs, which celebrate the diversity of older people in Wales (50+) which will be used as a stock image library. Additional requirements of the tender include the creation of a short behind-the-scenes

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