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  1. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    circumstances vary. However, the most commonly used definition is to say that someone in the UK is in poverty if they live in a household with an income below 60 per cent of the current median (or typical) household ... otherwise stated we use a definition of relative poverty whereby people are considered to be in poverty if they live in a household with an income of less than 60 per cent of contemporary household income.

  2. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    circumstances vary. However, the most commonly used definition is to say that someone in the UK is in poverty if they live in a household with an income below 60 per cent of the current median (or typical) household ... otherwise stated we use a definition of relative poverty whereby people are considered to be in poverty if they live in a household with an income of less than 60 per cent of contemporary household income.

  3. Newsletter Summer 2021 - Welsh.pdf

    eu hangen ar bobl yn eu lle. Rydym hefyd yn falch o rannu gyda chi canfyddiadau ein harolwg Older Carers, For the Moment, y byddwn yn ei ddefnyddio i ddylanwadu gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth well i ofalwyr hŷn ... gofalwyr hŷn di-dâl eu bod ‘prin yn ymdopi’ yn ôl ‘For the Moment – a summary of findings from older carers’ a lansiwyd i ddathlu Wythnos Gofalwyr (7 - 13 Mehefin 2021). Dan arweiniad ar y cyd rhwng Age Cymru

  4. RB_Feb16_Bus_pass_briefing.pdf

    additional economic, social and environmental value of the bus pass by: supporting volunteers and carers, encouraging spending in shops, reducing congestion and pollution and improving the health and wellbeing

  5. CRS_July16_Mental_wellbeing_independence_for_older_people.pdf

    therefore recommend adding the following outcome measure: “c) Proportion of older people and their carers who use services who reported improvements in their wellbeing. Data source: local data collection

  6. CRS_June15_Cabinet_Office_Public_Service_Ombudsman.pdf

    pleased that the paper states that the Ombudsman should have jurisdiction over public services even if supplied by a third party organisation.  We think it is necessary to set out more explicitly the ... add the following:  The Ombudsman should have jurisdiction over all relevant public services, even if supplied by a third party organisation. We are very pleased that the paper accepts this principle and

  7. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    it [pay for taxis]. It’s as simple as that really.’ Male, 65+, with mobility difficulties, Durham ‘If you get the chance to go out with anything going on in town with my friend I can’t go. Sometimes they ... they have little dos on ... like little concerts where they go for the meals and things like that and if I’m invited ... because I used to go a lot, I can’t go now. It’s a bit pricey getting a taxi because

  8. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Ethnic_minorities_Gypsies_and_Travellers.pdf

    (2008) The health of Gypsies and Travellers in the UK, Race Equality Foundation MECOPP (2012) Hidden Carers Unheard Voices: Informal caring within the Gypsy/Traveller community in Scotland, Ormston R, Curtice

  9. Covid Survey 2022 WELSH - 040322.pdf

    brosiect sydd â’r nod o gynorthwyo pobl yn union fel chi. Am fwy o wybodaeth gweler, neu ffoniwch 0300 303 44 98 a gofynnwch am Catrin Edwards neu Ceri Machlab A8. Ydych chi wedi cael

  10. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    cydweithredu’n effeithiol Ar lefel Awdurdod Lleol • Adnabod yr angen am eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol • Contract ar gyfer gwasanaethau • Monitro perfformiad • Casglu data ar bobl sy’n defnyddio eiriolaeth broffesiynol ... Ystyried yr opsiynau ar gyfer comisiynu eiriolaeth e.e. dull rhanbarthol o gomisiynu eiriolaeth, contract sengl, both a sbôcs. • Ystyried y ffordd orau o gaffael. • Gweithio’n agos gyda gwasanaethau eraill

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