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  1. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    therapy. In April, UK Govt announced plans to ban this, it may be helpful to re word this action to work with UK government on this to ensure it addresses the needs of LGBTQ+ people in Wales. Action 40 ... outlined? The Action Plan will require resourcing for all of the above in order to be effective. Further work is likely to be needed to look at resourcing requirements for different actions. For example, in

  2. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    support agencies to make the necessary changes, plan better for the future and learn from and adapt the work of the World Health Organisation (WHO) initiatives on Healthy Cities and Age-friendly communities ... P is for People. Campaigning for better public toilets in Wales. Report on findings of Campaign Working Group of the Welsh Senate of Older People. Spring 2014. 11 Places to meet in the community Increasing

  3. CRS_Feb15_Independent_Review_Retirement_Income.pdf

    from actually drawing their pension • If someone has more than one pension fund, how the default will work across all their savings • A clear interaction with state benefits and the care system. A particular ... In addition, we wonder whether it would be possible to use moves to aggregate pension pots during working life (as recently proposed by the Government) in order to create an infrastructure that would allow

  4. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_E.pdf

    colour. The app makes a loop of this sound and colour, before allowing you to add new sounds. This app works well for one-to-one activities but can also be used to inspire soundscapes and group activities. 1

  5. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Transport_infrastructure.pdf

    whether by public transport or driving, is a vital way for older people to continue to be connected, to work, to access local services and to participate fully in their communities. Background Responsibility ... involved in the community: Some older people felt it was harder for them to keep up their voluntary work or charitable activities as a result of transport issues.  Accessing healthcare  Accessing finance

  6. CRS_Oct15_ECC_Committee_energy_efficiency_inquiry.pdf

    everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than five million people every year, providing support, companionship ... Government’s statement that ‘addressing fuel poverty will remain a priority of this Government’.6 We will work constructively with the Government to tackle this problem. 3.3 Below we set out reasons why ECO

  7. CRS_Nov16_transforming_our_justice_system.pdf

    materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and local face-to-face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. A large proportion of enquiries to our Information ... incorrect decision being changed) has also been noted elsewhere. For example, a 2010 Report by the Work and Pensions Committee recommended that DWP ensured claimants are made aware of the increased chances

  8. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    meet the demands of end of life care – of the patient, or their families. They also often find this work very stressful and emotionally taxing.51 However, they do have to deal with deaths. For example, ... Many of these issues exist for social care practitioners as well, even though they may expect to work more with people who are dying. One major issue is the lack of support and training for these professionals

  9. CRS_Jan17_Handbook_changes_to_reflect_introduction_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    written materials and individual enquiries by telephone, letters, emails and face-to-face sessions. We work closely with Age UK Cymru, Age UK NI and Age UK Scotland. About this consultation The Lifetime Individual ... com has published a LISA/personal pension tax comparison table, elements of which we consider would work well to enable consumers to make a better informed decision about which option is best for them. 7

  10. Utilities.pdf

    store where the payment / top-up service can be accessed. Emergency support It’s recommended that work shouldn’t be carried out in any household which is isolating or where a person who is classed as extremely ... arrange for someone who is registered under the Gas Safe Register Scheme to come and do the necessary work. They can call the gas safe register on 0800 408 5500 or visit https://www.gassaferegister.

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