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  1. Doorstep scams

    Doorstep scammers commonly target older people. In fact, 85% of victims of doorstep scams are aged 65 and over according to National Trading Standards. We'll show you some simple steps that you can ... prices. A common tactic is when they claim to have noticed something about your property that needs work or improvement. Bogus officials: A common trick is when someone pretends to be from your electricity

  2. FS61w.pdf

    Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 61w  July 2023 Help with NHS health costs in Wales and services which are free for older people Factsheet 61w  July 2023 ... Information about this factsheet 3 2 Free NHS prescriptions in Wales 3 2.1 Residents in Wales with a GP in Wales 3 2.2 Residents in Wales who have a GP in England 3 2.3 Medical Exemption Certificates for free

  3. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    Health Organisation survey of older people’s health and wellbeing in six countries. Key findings:  There are large national variations in rates of fear of crime  Older women and frail older people are ... AFRAID OF CRIME? Figure 1 shows large variations in reported fear of crime: 49% of older people in South Africa felt unsafe alone at home, compared to only 3% in China. Older women and poor older people are

  4. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    cognitive health in later life. As well as funding, we have worked with the researchers to summarise, interpret and translate their findings. A specific report is due to be published in the next few months ... only about cognitive ageing but also about dementia. We feel that this is a good time for everyone in Age UK to catch up with the messages from the latest research on what dementia is, what it is not,

  5. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    payment in Scotland is expected to be devolved to the Scottish Government.  It is paid to people who have reached women’s state pension age in the qualifying week which is the third week in Septemberi ...  People may receive the full amount or half the payment (£100/£150) depending on whether others in the household qualify.  For example a person aged 80 who lives alone will receive £300 while a couple

  6. Consultative Forum

    Age Cymru's Consultative Forum was established in 2011, after extensive consultation across Wales. Our vision is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life. Older people ... older people are heard at all levels of our organisation. The Consultative Forum provides guidance in relation to the key activities of Age Cymru; contributes to Age Cymru events and activities including

  7. CRS_March16_Mental_wellbeing_NICE_quality_standard.pdf

    Please note: comments submitted are published on the NICE website. Would you like to express an interest in formally supporting this quality standard?  Yes  No Key area for quality improvement Why is this ... evidence that appropriate and effective pulmonary rehabilitation can drive significant improvements in the quality of life and health status of people with COPD. Pulmonary rehabilitation is recommended

  8. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    to reduce their risk of falling and think about how they can age healthily and prevent falling over in their own future. This session which runs up to 1-hour begins with a classroom-based discussion then ... interactive falls ‘incident scene’ exploration exercise, the second part of the session is preferably in a different room or school hall. There are then extra options for additional activities or further

  9. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address ... consultation Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty: A Consultation Paper considers how the law in England and Wales should regulate deprivations of liberty involving people who lack capacity to consent

  10. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    Poverty in later life – the facts August 2017 Introduction This briefing looks at how we define poverty and gives information about older people living on a low income: the extent of poverty in later ... by poverty? We consider people to be living in poverty when their resources are not enough to meet their basic needs and also to allow them to take part in society.i This could mean struggling to cover

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