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  1. CRS_June12_No_fault_dismissal_in_micro_businesses.pdf

    believes there is nothing to be gained from further reducing employment protection in this way. Doing so will only serve to create a two-tier workforce with those employed by micro-businesses enjoying less protection ... making such employers less desirable to potential recruits. In addition, there is a risk that it will undermine efforts to extend working lives. Once out of work, older workers often find it difficult

  2. Health interventions and preventative services policy statement - May 2018.pdf

    and women are likely to spend on average 17 and 20 years respectively living in poor health, which will impact on their quality of life and use of services. Preventative health care services play a key ... issues including dementia.12 The implementation of this Strategy and robust monitoring of outcomes will be crucial to its success. (The impact of loneliness and isolation upon both mental and physical health

  3. CRS_Sept15_Care_of_the_dying_adult.pdf

    are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views on these questions: 1. Which areas will have the biggest impact on practice and be challenging to implement? Please say for whom and why. ... changes occur while they are not there – there is a general assumption in the guidance that there will always be a family member or carer available to discuss the care needs of a dying patient, which is

  4. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    undergo Friends Against Scams training; WASP is in the process of developing an action plan which will help identify the steps which need to be taken to implement the recommendations. We believe that ... However, we would like to know how Welsh Government’s forthcoming loneliness and isolation strategy will itself be delivered.

  5. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    older people are inappropriately discharged without checks having taken place to ensure that they will be safe and cared for at home during their recovery, potentially leading to more serious issues and ... during lockdown has led to them living with ongoing difficulties, pain, and anxiety about when they will be treated. During the pandemic difficulty accessing GP appointments has been linked to physical and

  6. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    isolation in Wales. 2 Politicians at all levels must pay close attention to the impact proposed cuts will have on older people. Local authorities must conduct full and meaningful equality impact assessments ... multiple ways.Furthermore, the current trend to close down community facilities for financial reasons will need to be countered. Community and day centres are important as places where older people can socialise

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    homelessness can change rapidly over time and may differ significantly from place to place. This review will focus on older homelessness in England. In England older homelessness is currently on the increase ... night, around 400 older people aged 55 and above may be sleeping rough, at least ten times that number will be spending the night in short- and long-term homelessness accommodation - figures comparable with

  8. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    chael ar lesiant meddyliol a chorfforol eu hanwyliaid? A oedd yna unrhyw ymdrech i roi cymorth ac offer i gartrefi gofal a fyddai'n gwneud ymweld yn ddiogel? Pa ymdrechion a wnaed gan gartrefi gofal i gynnwys

  9. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    chael ar lesiant meddyliol a chorfforol eu hanwyliaid? A oedd yna unrhyw ymdrech i roi cymorth ac offer i gartrefi gofal a fyddai'n gwneud ymweld yn ddiogel? Pa ymdrechion a wnaed gan gartrefi gofal i gynnwys

  10. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    households result in a diverse range of positive health impacts.xi How Age UK can help Age UK is able to offer bespoke home energy checks through the existing local handyperson services. The check supports older

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