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  1. Volunteer as a telephone befriender

    We're looking for people to join our volunteer ‘Friends’ telephone befriending team to connect with older people on a weekly 30 minute friendship call. You can find out more about this role ... search on their website for 'Friend in Need' to find this volunteering opportunity. What happens next? Once you've registered on the Volunteering Wales website and applied for this opportunity, you'll

  2. CRS_June15_Cabinet_Office_Public_Service_Ombudsman.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice ... Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 This consultation, published before the General Election, asks for views on proposals to reform the current public services ombudsman sector, and, in particular, merge

  3. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    6th report on advocacy provision for adults in Wales with a particular emphasis on older people. Over the last 12 years Age Cymru has been reviewing availability of services, issues around funding ... and sustainability, quality of service, training of advocates, advocacy and its role in safeguarding, accessibility in terms of language, and knowledge and understanding of legislative changes in advocacy

  4. Contact Age Cymru

    Find out about the different ways you can contact Age Cymru, whether it's to get inforamtion and advice on money or care, ask about donations or something else.

  5. CRS_Oct15_Refreshing_Public_health_outcomes_framework.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice ... 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. The Department of Health and Public Health England are currently seeking views on how to refresh the Public Health Outcomes

  6. RB_Feb17_AgeUK_Wellbeing_Index_Summary_web.pdf

    A summary of Age UK’s Index of Wellbeing in Later Life Age UK Policy and Research Department Dr Marcus Green Professor José Iparraguirre Dr Susan Davidson Phil Rossall University of Southampton Professor ... encapsulates how we are faring, in all domains of life Contents Introduction 3 What did we do? 4 Our statistical work 4 Key findings 5 Age UK’s Index of Wellbeing in Later Life 8 How is older people’s

  7. Message for the shoe box.pdf

  8. Self Assessment Form for Commissioner ENGLISH.docx

    IMPLEMENTIng the code of practice on advocacy SELF assessment Tool for commissionersGolden Thread Advocacy Project – funded by the Welsh Government November 2016SELF assessment Tool · INTRODUCTIONP ... INTRODUCTIONP urposeThe purpose of this Self Assessment Tool is to ascertain organisational readiness to comply with the Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy) and its strategic intent. The Self Assessment Tool itself

  9. Self Assessment Form For Commissioner WELSH.docx

    GWEITHREDU’R COD YMARFER EIRIOLAETH OFFERYN HUNANASESU I GOMISIYNWYR Prosiect Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd – a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth CymruTachwedd 2016 offeryn hunanasesu ·cyflwyniadAmcan Diben yr Offeryn ... canfod parodrwydd sefydliadol i gydymffurfio â Chod Ymarfer Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) a'i fwriad strategol. Mae'r Offeryn Hunanasesu ei hun wedi'i strwythuro mewn pedair adran i adlewyrchu camau gwahanol y cylch

  10. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    Social Care and Sport Committee National Assembly for Wales July 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people ... lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and

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