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  1. CRS_May17_ submission_to_CMA_on_DCT_market_study.pdf

    products/services in a range of markets.1 It is examining whether DCT markets are working well for consumers, and will determine how to maximise the benefits DCTs offer. Age UK is concerned that some older people face ... price to be ordered according to the final price the consumer will pay, including commission. 7 Commission deals and introducer fees will also influence the coverage of the DCT, and the CMA needs to be

  2. CRS_June16_Ofcom_call_for_evidence_on_broadband_USO.pdf

    published a call for evidence on ‘Designing the broadband universal service obligation’.1 The findings will influence Ofcom’s advice to the Department for Culture Media & Sport on the design of the broadband ... of accessing essential public and private services. However, for some older people, online access will be the best way to access essential services, including applying for benefits and housing. This choice

  3. CRS_Oct15_Refreshing_Public_health_outcomes_framework.pdf

    are a useful tool to encourage and track progress and inform decision-making, however the challenge will be to see how these frameworks effect change in the long term.  Close involvement of service users ... REVISE REPLACE REMOVE  Please describe your proposed change, including how this REVISION will improve, strengthen or better align the indicator? Change data source Change definition Change methodology

  4. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    symptoms that may be due to coronavirus and their household members stay at home. Staying at home will help control the spread of the virus to friends, the wider community, and particularly the most vulnerable ... symptoms and living alone should remain at home for 7 days after the onset of their symptoms. This will reduce the risk of you infecting others. If you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms

  5. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    threat. Politicians at all levels must pay close attention to the impact that cuts to services will have on older people. Local authorities must conduct meaningful equality impact assessments to ensure ... authorities had to assess the needs of its community and put a strategy in place to ensure the public will have greater access to these facilities.18 The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales’ report ‘The

  6. Technology_Together_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    feeling more and more confident, as an individual it will help me keep in touch with loved ones and facilitate my need to bank online. I also think I will benefit from using the internet to gain knowledge ... little…being able to talk confidently. And just to be able to say on my CV [that] I’ve done this, that will open doors for me as a person, like in my career as well as in my personality and my social skills”

  7. Carers inquiry - October 2018.pdf

    daily living, but as we move into our ninth decade and beyond this becomes less common and more of us will need help. Increasing numbers of those providing care are themselves older people. The peak age for ... traditionally provided for older family members, and so shift this responsibility to the state. These forces will unite to add further stress to social care budgets that help people to maintain independence within

  8. IG31w.pdf

    Cyfreithwyr (tudalen 25) roi rhestr o gyfreithwyr lleol i chi. 10 Ewyllysiau a chynllunio ystâd Will Aid Mae Will Aid yn gynllun tebyg sy’n cael ei gynnal ledled y DU bob mis Tachwedd. Nid oes unrhyw gyfyngiad ... ond bydd gofyn i chi roi rhodd sy’n cefnogi gwaith y naw elusen sy’n rhan o’r cynllun. Mae gwefan Will Aid yn cynnwys mwy o wybodaeth (tudalen 26). Banciau Mae rhai banciau’n cynnig gwasanaeth ysgrifennu

  9. CRS_March16_Mental_wellbeing_NICE_quality_standard.pdf

    while nearly half of older people (49% of 65+ in the UK) say that television or pets are their main form of company. Persistent loneliness can have profound impacts on physical and mental health, and quality ... Additional developmental areas of emergent practice [Insert footer here] 9 of 9 Please email this form to: Closing date: 5pm 24th February 2016

  10. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    help the family cope during the patient’s illness and in their own bereavement This evidence review will discuss issues around the end of life for older people, including but not limited to palliative care ... lack of places, and huge variability and uncertainty about when death from chronic health problems will occur. Older people are more likely to have complex needs and problems, which require the support

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